Thursday, July 10, 2014

Noodles and Soda and Movies

Last night Robb helped out by putting Ren to bed. Well, at least trying to put Ren to bed. In the process Robb threw out his back (not as severe as last time, but still, not good) and was down and out for the count. He was up most of the night with massive pain and finally took a mega dose of pain medication around 4 o'clock in the morning.

No fun, but not too bad, right? Fast forward to this morning...

Robb is basically incoherent on the couch (no sleep, muscle relaxants, and Percoset will do that to you), I'm getting breakfast for Ren and suddenly - I start throwing up. Ah, the joys of pregnancy!

I'm sure this doesn't sound fun (it hasn't been), but here's what I'm grateful for today:
- friends who tried to find ways to help/watch Ren for me (it didn't work out, but at least they tried)
- Netflix, which kept Ren quietly occupied for several hours while I concentrated on not throwing up (and no, I don't generally advocate hours of TV watching, especially because Ren gets really cranky when I eventually turn it off, but I am SERIOUSLY grateful for Netflix any time both Robb and I are sick)
- soda, which helps my stomach calm down, and
- soba noodles, which are yummy and stayed down (hooray!)

If I can find something good on a day like today, so can you - so what's your good thing today?

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Coincidence? I Think Not.

I went on Facebook and as it was loading I saw a status post that intrigued me, but as the page fully loaded it disappeared. I looked for it in my newsfeed, didn't find it, so searched out that individual's page to locate the post. Their status/quote led me to a very good article, and within the article there was another quote that really struck me. I followed the footnote to find the second article, and it was exactly what I needed to read.

Sometimes the Lord is so obviously involved in my life that even I can't fail to miss it. (And I'm very grateful!)