Friday, February 28, 2014

Beautiful Things

It is rainy (yea!) and cold here in the Bay Area, so I had the chance to wear a beautiful scarf my mother-in-law knit and gave me for Valentine's. (I saw her working on it while we were visiting at Christmas and told her how beautiful it was and she said I could have it. Sweet!) It's made of these beautiful, warm, autumnal colors and is done with an entrelac technique and it's absolutely gorgeous. I received more than one compliment on the scarf today and was grateful for the warmth (both literal and figurative) it provided.


  1. Wow, that IS beautiful. Maybe when we get through going on missions, I'll find a knitting class to take. There are things you can do in knitting that you just can't duplicate in crocheting. Also - you mentioned your crocheting class: keep working on it, because some of those stitches you mentioned are new to me and I want you to teach me when we get home. Fun stuff.

    1. Isn't it bellĂ­sima? I guess they make entrelac yarn and you just knit until the color starts to change and then switch directions (or however it is you do it).
      Also, just FYI, they offer knitting and crochet classes at both JoAnn's and Michaels, or online (via videos) - or you could always give my method a try and ask the ladies in your ward! (And, I have to be honest, YouTube is incredibly helpful.) :-)
