Thursday, March 13, 2014

Crazy Times!

Okay, a whole week with no posting is just sad, I know - but work has been INSANE. I'm talking up- until-at-least-midnight-every-night insane. Throw in at least an e-mail a day about the lawsuit, a toddler with pink eye, and a husband who hasn't been able to sleep and things get a little...intense.

HOWEVER, I have been taking note of the marvelous things that happen each day, so here we go:

Right Now: listening to this. It's my theme song this year, and gets me going every time.

Today: I finished my work by 9:40 pm and am totally caught up! This is amazing - I can't even tell you how excited I am and how GREAT I feel. It's definitely motivation to keep up the fabulous work, that's for sure.

Wednesday: I observed a teacher at my old school and some of my former students are in her class. First, she's amazing, and it's always a pleasure to watch a master at work. Second, those kids have made SO much progress! It makes my heart happy to see them succeed.

Tuesday: Met with the Director of HR for the district and received repeated reassurance about the whole lawsuit issue. What an immeasurably HUGE weight off my shoulders.

Monday: Observed one of my favorite teachers. I love visiting her class; the energy is so great and, to be honest, there's always something smile-inducing in a kinder classroom!

Sunday: Sweet two year old Claire in my nursery class at church. She doesn't talk much but she certainly loves to sing. We had fun, even if the other two munchkins preferred running around to music time!

Also, Spring!

I was walking around outside of church, talking to the advice nurse about Farren's eye situation, and it was such a beautiful, peaceful afternoon. Shining sun, cool and gentle breeze, softly drifting blossoms and all. Definitely a balm to my soul. (Happy sigh...)

So there you have it folks, although I haven't written every day, I'm at least making the mental effort, and that counts for something, right?

How about you? Has spring started to show its face? Are you feeling well? I hope so!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting; it lifts my heart as well. By the way, are you in nursery full-time again or . . . ? It's perpetual spring here, but I can visualize the spring in San Jose. After cold, gray skies and rain, there is nothing like a spring day! Love you muchisimo.
