Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Strengths Search

My sister posted a link to an article about rediscovering your strengths and talents, so I had to check it out.  It's talks about Tom Rath's book, StrengthsFinder 2.0. He discusses identifying your talents or gifts and how you can work to turn those into strengths. To get started, the author of the article offers 12 fill-in-the-blank questions to ask yourself and help you understand your strengths. I figure this will help me better appreciate myself, so here I go:

1. Someday I really want to: write a book, fly (hang glide or paraglide), learn how to swim for real (I can swim, but I'm totally self-taught), be a master gardener.
2. When I was a kid I dreamed I would: be just like my sister (because she was, and still is, freaking amazing!) I may also have dreamed about being a chef, but "cooking" may have just been my favorite game.
3. I’ve only tried it a few times but I really like: sewing, dancing.
4. My friends call me when they need help with: childcare, food/baking, emotional support.
5. I could teach a how-to class about: teaching, crocheting a scarf, sewing a Mario hat, cooking/baking, strategies for combating depression, practicing mindfulness through blogging. :-)
6. Something someone else has done that I just know I could do too is: write a book.
7. A homemade gift I would make would include: food, either baked or canned, something crocheted, something sewn.
8. If I skipped out on work for a day, I would: sleep in, go to the beach, read, bake or cook.
9. I could help others by: serving them, especially by being physically and mentally present.
10. I am fulfilled when: I read to my son, my choir sings a beautiful song, a lesson I teach touches people, I help another improve or grow, I make food for people.
11. I really enjoy: music, sewing, reading, talking/being with family or friends, cooking/baking for people.
12. The things I do that really excite me are: helping other teachers reflect on their practice, figure out areas for growth, and provide resources and feedback to facilitate their growth, travel.

Hmm...well, I've either got very narrow interests or I've figured out where my talents lie. What about you? What are your talents, gifts, and strengths? I hope you can identify at least a few and that you can focus on them rather than your perceived flaws.  

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